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Calculate VTU SGPA today!
VTU SGPA Calculator 2022 scheme

How to download Marks Sheet on the calculated Results?

VTU SGPA Calculator- latest VTU SGPA calculator for 2022 scheme all VTU department sgpa calculator available in easenotes and Download SGPA calculator result in pdf format and also user can download copy of there VTU SGPA results to there system

Choose Your VTU Scheme

Why Students Choose US?

Calculating your VTU SGPA accurately is crucial for any student at VTU. While there are numerous online calculators available, they often lack transparency, and students cannot download the calculated SGPA results. That's where the VTU SGPA calculator by Easenotes stands out. This calculator not only provides accurate SGPA results but also allows students to download them to their local system, ensuring that no information is stored or hidden in the background. It offers a reliable and transparent tool for VTU students to manage their academic progress effectively.

Basic Grade Points follows in Calculating Results?

Grade Points:VTU uses a scale of 0 to 10, where A (Excellent) corresponds to 10, and F (Fail) is 0

What is the formula to Calculate VTU SGPA marks ?

Calculate Your Semester Grade Point Average - To calculate your VTU SGPA, input the marks for each semester and click on "Calculate." Your SGPA will be computed and shown.

The formula for VTU SGPA calculation is:
                                        Σ(Ci x Gi) / Σ Ci

                                        Gi = Grade point of the ith course
                                        Ci = Number of Credits for the ith Semester

Example to calculate results

Percentage = (SGPA x 10) - 7.5

                                    To simplify the calculation, the formula above can be broken into two steps:

                                    Step 1: SGPA x 10
                                    Step 2: (SGPA x 10) - 7.5

How Do I Convert SGPA to Percentage in easenotes calculator?

Grade S A B C D E F
Grade Point 10 9 8 7 6 4 0
Marks 90 - 100 80 - 89 70 - 79 60 - 69 45 - 59 40 - 44 0 - 39
Performance Outstanding Excellent V. Good Good Above Average Poor Fail
Percentage of Marks Letter Grade as per UGC Guideleines Grade Points
90-100% O (Outstanding) 10
80-90% A+ (Excellent) 9
70-80% A (Very Good) 8
60-70% B+ (Good) 7
50-60% B (Average) 6
40-50% C (Pass) 5
Below 40% F (Fail) 0
Absent AB 0