Scheme & Syllabus Copy of Satellite and Optical Communication 2022 Scheme Notes
BEC515D - Satellite and Optical Communication 2022 Scheme Notes
Module 1: Satellite Communication Fundamentals
- Introduction to satellite communication
- Kepler’s laws and orbital mechanics
- Types of satellites based on altitude and orbit
- Communication satellite subsystems
- Link budget analysis
Module 2: Satellite Applications and Earth Stations
- Satellite payloads and transponders
- Satellite-based services: Direct-to-home (DTH), VSAT
- Earth station technology and design
- Frequency bands and regulations
Module 3: Optical Communication Fundamentals
- Basics of optical fiber communication
- Light propagation in optical fibers
- Types of optical fibers: Single-mode and multi-mode
- Attenuation, dispersion, and non-linear effects
Module 4: Optical Sources, Detectors, and Components
- Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes (LDs)
- Photodetectors: PIN and avalanche photodiodes
- Optical amplifiers: EDFA and Raman amplifiers
- Couplers, connectors, and splicing techniques
Module 5: Advanced Optical Communication Systems
- Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) concepts
- Optical add-drop multiplexers (OADM)
- Passive optical networks (PON) and FTTH
- Recent advances in optical communication systems