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Advanced Java Programming 2021 scheme VTU University 6th SEM Computer science and Engineerings notes, 2022 scheme Notes, study materials, question paper

Advanced Java Programming 2021 scheme VTU University 6th SEM Computer science and Engineerings | 21CS642 notes

21CS642-Advanced Java Programming 2021 scheme

VTU University notes on 6th SEM Computer science and Engineerings 2022 scheme notes 2024. Study materials and previous year question papers on easenotes 2024.

Scheme & Syllabus Copy of Advanced Java Programming 2021 scheme

Chapters of Advanced Java Programming 2021 scheme

Module 1

Enumerations, Autoboxing and Annotations:

Enumerations, Ednumeration fundamentals, the values() and valueOf() methods, Java enumerations are class types, enumerations inherits Enum, example, type wrappers, Autoboxing, Autoboxing methods, Autoboxing/Unboxing occurs in Expressions, Autoboxing/Unboxing, Boolean and character values, Autoboxing/Unboxing helps prevent errors, A word of warning Annotations, Annotation basics, specifying retention policy, obtaining annotations at run time by use of reflection, Annotated element interface, Using default values, Marker Annotations, Single member annotations, Built in annotations.

Module 2

Generics: What are Generics, A Simple Generics Example, A Generic Class with Two Type Parameters, The General Form of a Generic Class, Bounded Types, Using Wildcard Arguments, Bounded Wildcards, Creating a Generic Method, Generic Interfaces, Raw types and Legacy code, Generic Class Hierarchies, Erasure, Ambiguity errors, Some Generic Restrictions.

Module 3

String Handling: The String Constructors, String Length, Special String Operations, Character Extraction, String Comparison, Searching Strings, Modifying a String, Data Conversion Using valueOf(), Changing the case of characters within a String, String Buffer, String Builder.

Module 4

Introducing Servlets:

Background; The life cycle of a servlet; A simple servlet; the servlet API; The javax.servlet package Reading servlet parameter; the javax.servlet.http package; Handling HTTP Requests and Responses; using Cookies; Session Tracking.

Java Server Pages (JSP): JSP tags, Variables and Objects, Methods, Control statements, Loops, Request String, Parsing other information, User sessions, Cookies, Session Objects.

Module 5

JDBC and JDBC Drivers:

The concept of JDBC; JDBC Driver Types; JDBC packages; A brief overview of the JDBC Process; Database Connection; Associating the JDBC/ODBC Bridge with the Database; Statement Objects; ResultSet; Transaction Processing; Metadata, Data Types; Exceptions.