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DSDV Lab Manual 2022 scheme VTU VTU University 1st SEM 1st SEM & 2nd SEM physics/Chemistry Cycle notes, 2022 scheme Notes, study materials, question paper

DSDV Lab Manual 2022 scheme VTU VTU University 1st SEM 1st SEM & 2nd SEM physics/Chemistry Cycle | BEC302 notes

BEC302-DSDV Lab Manual 2022 scheme VTU

VTU University notes on 1st SEM 1st SEM & 2nd SEM physics/Chemistry Cycle 2022 scheme notes 2024. Study materials and previous year question papers on easenotes 2024.

Scheme & Syllabus Copy of DSDV Lab Manual 2022 scheme VTU

List of Experiments DSDV Lab Manual 2022 scheme VTU

  1. Simplification of Boolean Expressions
    Simplify the given Boolean expressions and realize them using Verilog.

  2. Adder/Subtractor Circuits
    Realize Full and Half Adder/Subtractor circuits using Verilog data flow description.

  3. 4-Bit ALU
    Realize a 4-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) using a Verilog program.

  4. Code Converters
    Realize the following code converters using Verilog behavioral description:
    a) Gray to Binary and vice versa
    b) Binary to Excess-3 and vice versa

  5. Multiplexers and Encoders
    Realize using Verilog behavioral description:

    • 8:1 Multiplexer
    • 8:3 Encoder
    • Priority Encoder
  6. Demultiplexers and Decoders
    Realize using Verilog behavioral description:

    • 1:8 Demultiplexer
    • 3:8 Decoder
    • 2-bit Comparator
  7. Flip-Flops
    Realize using Verilog behavioral description:

    • JK Flip-Flop
    • SR Flip-Flop
    • T Flip-Flop
    • D Flip-Flop
  8. Counters
    Realize Up/Down Counters (BCD and Binary) using Verilog behavioral description.

Demonstration Experiments (For CIE Only - Not to be Included for SEE)

  1. FPGA/CPLD Interfacing
    Use FPGA/CPLD kits for downloading Verilog codes and check the output for interfacing experiments.

  2. Stepper Motor Interface
    Write a Verilog program to interface a stepper motor with the FPGA/CPLD and rotate the motor in the specified direction (by N steps).

  3. Switches and LEDs Interface
    Write Verilog programs to interface switches and LEDs with the FPGA/CPLD and demonstrate their working.