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Attendance management using face recognition, AI, and ML Project

Attendance management using face recognition, AI, and ML


The attendance management system is a final year project for computer science students who are pursuing final year, Attendance management system using Machine learning is a project that helps to take attendance by using face recognition using image processing algorithms in the project where the project user will enter the details of the students and once all students face images are trained then the machine will recognize the students face and mark the attendance in the XL sheets in there local system, and also user can manually enter attendance if something wrong on image identification in the projects, wherein the project mainly 4 major  interaction we will do like 

  1. Enter the student details like name and enrollment details 
  2. Capture the student face after entering the details using an image processing algorithm and face recognition algorithm it will store at least 20 sets of pictures at the time of capture 
  3. Train the captured face to the machine once the image capture
  4. Then we can mark the attendance using a camera and face recognition algorithm 
  5. Once the face is captured then it will mark attendance and store it in the DB and XL file 
  6. After marking an attendance we can see all details in the local project folder and 

Algorithms used in the face recognition attendance management system using Machine learning 

  1. Haar Cascade Classifier: This algorithm is used for face detection. It is implemented using the cv2.CascadeClassifier class from OpenCV.
  2. LBPH Face Recognizer: This algorithm is used for face recognition. It is implemented using the cv2.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer_create function from OpenCV.
  3. TensorFlow - TensorFlow is a free open-source software library for machine learning and artificial intelligence. It can be used across a range of tasks but focuses on training and inference of deep neural networks. 
  4. image processing - Image processing is converting an image into a digital format and applying operations to extract useful information from it. The input is an image, such as a photograph or video frame, and the output can be another image or a set of image-related parameters

Tools Required To Run:

The required software and packages are needed to run the project.

  1. Python version (3.11.3)
  2. Opencv (pip install opencv-python)
  3. Tkinter (Available in python)
  4. PIL (pip install Pillow)
  5. Pandas (pip install pandas)

Steps to run the project:

Step 1 - go to main.py and change the example of the path - C:/Users/LENOVO/Documents/Python Scripts/Attendace_management_system/

Step 2 - install all packages as above

Step 3 - run main.py

Projects ScreenShots and details of attendance management system:

Step1: Run the Main.py file then the user needs to enter details in the attendance management system

Step 2: Once the Details are entered by user then need to take images. First user need to add their images before recognize in the project.

Step3: Once the image is captured the user needs to train their image using the train images button.

Step 4: Now it is time to take attendance using face recognition, click attendance and the user needs to enter the student name in the face recognition-based attendance system and click on fill then it will start the process for recognition.

Step 6: Once the user enters the subject details click on fill then it will recognize like below and store the user details in the DB and XL page.

Step 7: Once the face recognition is successful then it will show the below confirmation.

Step 7: if the user needs to enter manually we have the option to fill in details manually also for the attendance management system using the face recognition system.


An attendance management system using face recognition and machine learning is a system that helps many schools and colleges to mark students attendance effortlessly and without missing any students and this system is a future required system that helps many schools and colleges to adopt an advanced way to capture attendance of the students using machine learning and artificial intelligence