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Pixels to Percentage Converter

Result: 0%

FAQ for How to convert PX to Percentage

  • To convert px to percentage, you should know the total size of the base.
  • Then, just apply the formula: (px / base) * 100.
  • For example, with a 1000px size of base, 100px will be converted to: (100 / 1000) * 100 = 10%.

The formula is: (px / base) * 100.

  • Percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is often denoted using the percent sign (%).
  • A percentage is a dimensionless number, primarily used for expressing proportions, but percent is nonetheless a unit of measurement in its orthography and usage.
  • In CSS, it is often used to define a size as relative to an element's parent element.
  • For example, if the parent element's size is 1000px, then 1% will be equal to 10px. (1% = 10px).

The pixel unit is the theoretical smallest dot displayed on a computer screen. Nowadays, the pixel unit can differ between physical and logical resolutions. This difference is defined by the device pixel ratio (DPR): Logical resolution = physical resolution / device pixel ratio.
For example, a screen with a 1024x768 physical resolution and a DPR of 2 will have a 512x384 logical resolution.

PX to Percentage Conversion Table if base size is 1000px

Pixels (px) Percentage (%)
10px 1%
20px 2%
30px 3%
40px 4%
50px 5%
60px 6%
70px 7%
80px 8%
90px 9%
100px 10%
110px 11%
120px 12%
130px 13%
140px 14%
150px 15%
160px 16%
170px 17%
180px 18%
190px 19%
200px 20%
210px 21%
220px 22%
230px 23%
240px 24%
250px 25%