- To convert px to in, you should know the size in px.
- Then, just apply the formula:
px * 96
This formula converts the pixel value to points. - For example:
- 16px will be converted to:
16 / 96 = 0.167in
- 16px will be converted to:
px * 96
16 / 96 = 0.167in
px * 96
An inch (in) is an absolute unit of length. One inch is equivalent to 96px or 2.54cm
Pixel unit is the theoretical smallest dot displayed on a computer screen.
Nowadays, the pixel unit can differ between physical resolution and logical resolution.
This difference is called the device pixel ratio (DPR):
Logical resolution = Physical resolution / Device pixel ratio
For example:
A screen with a physical resolution of 1024x768 and a DPR of
2 will have a logical resolution of:
Pixels (px) | Inches (in) |
10px | 0.104in |
20px | 0.208in |
30px | 0.313in |
40px | 0.417in |
50px | 0.521in |
60px | 0.625in |
70px | 0.729in |
80px | 0.833in |
90px | 0.938in |
100px | 1.042in |
110px | 1.146in |
120px | 1.25in |
130px | 1.354in |
140px | 1.458in |
150px | 1.563in |
160px | 1.667in |
170px | 1.771in |
180px | 1.875in |
190px | 1.979in |
200px | 2.083in |
210px | 2.188in |
220px | 2.292in |
230px | 2.396in |
240px | 2.5in |
250px | 2.604in |