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Pixels to EM Converter

Result: 0 EM

FAQ for How to convert PX to EM

To convert px to em, you should know the total size of 1 EM, which is by default 16px. Then, apply the formula: px / em.
For example, with 16px as the size of 1em, 32px will be converted to: 32 / 16 = 2em.

The formula is: px / em.

EM is defined relative to the font size of the root element, matched by the :root pseudo-class or the html selector. 1 EM takes the value of the root element’s font-size, ensuring consistency across the entire CSS code.

The pixel unit is the theoretical smallest dot displayed on a computer screen. Nowadays, the pixel unit can differ between physical and logical resolutions. This difference is defined by the device pixel ratio (DPR): Logical resolution = physical resolution / device pixel ratio.
For example, a screen with a 1024x768 physical resolution and a DPR of 2 will have a 512x384 logical resolution.

PX to EM Conversion Table (em size: 16px)

10px 0.625em
20px 1.25em
30px 1.875em
40px 2.5em
50px 3.125em
60px 3.75em
70px 4.375em
80px 5em
90px 5.625em
100px 6.25em
110px 6.875em
120px 7.5em
130px 8.125em
140px 8.75em
150px 9.375em
160px 10em
170px 10.625em
180px 11.25em
190px 11.875em
200px 12.5em
210px 13.125em
220px 13.75em
230px 14.375em
240px 15em
250px 15.625em