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Pixels to CM Converter

Result: 0 cm

FAQ for How to convert PX to CM

  • To convert px to cm, you should know the size cm px.
  • Then, just apply the formula:
    px * 0.0264583333
    This formula converts the pixel value to points.
  • For example:
    • 16px will be converted to:
      16 / 0.0264583333 = 0.423cm.

The formula is: px * 0.0264583333.

A centimeter (cm) is an absolute unit of length. 1cm is roughly 37.8 pixels, or about 25.2/64 of an inch. 1px is equivalent to 0.0264583333cm

Pixel unit is the theoretical smallest dot displayed on a computer screen.

Nowadays, the pixel unit can differ between physical resolution and logical resolution.

This difference is called the device pixel ratio (DPR):
Logical resolution = Physical resolution / Device pixel ratio

For example:
A screen with a physical resolution of 1024x768 and a DPR of 2 will have a logical resolution of:

PX to CM Conversion Table

Pixels (px) Centimeters (cm)
10px 0.265cm
20px 0.529cm
30px 0.794cm
40px 1.058cm
50px 1.323cm
60px 1.587cm
70px 1.852cm
80px 2.117cm
90px 2.381cm
100px 2.646cm
110px 2.91cm
120px 3.175cm
130px 3.44cm
140px 3.704cm
150px 3.969cm
160px 4.233cm
170px 4.498cm
180px 4.762cm
190px 5.027cm
200px 5.292cm
210px 5.556cm
220px 5.821cm
230px 6.085cm
240px 6.35cm
250px 6.615cm