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Computer Architecture and Assembly Language BCA Notes BCA University 3rd Sem BCA 2nd Year notes, 2022 scheme Notes, study materials, question paper

Computer Architecture and Assembly Language BCA Notes BCA University 3rd Sem BCA 2nd Year | BCA 303 notes

BCA 303-Computer Architecture and Assembly Language BCA Notes

BCA University notes on 3rd Sem BCA 2nd Year 2022 scheme notes 2024. Study materials and previous year question papers on easenotes 2024.

Scheme & Syllabus Copy of Computer Architecture and Assembly Language BCA Notes

Computer System Architecture Notes BCA pdf Notes 

Unit 1: Introduction to Computer Architecture

“Computer Architecture” refers to the basic concepts and components that make up a computer system. It includes an understanding of hardware, such as the CPU, memory, etc.

Unit 2: Digital logic and Arithmetic

“Digital logic and arithmetic” are fundamental concepts in computer science and electronics that deal with binary systems (0s and 1s) to perform computations and decision-making processes in digital circuits.

Unit 3: CPU Organization

“CPU organization” refers to the internal structure and design of the Central Processing Unit (CPU), which is the brain of the computer responsible for executing instructions.

Unit 4: Memory organization

“Memory organization” refers to the structured arrangement of different types of memory within a computer system to optimize data storage and access.

Unit 5: Data transfer

“Data transfer” refers to the process of moving data between different components of a computer system, such as between memory and the CPU, or between the CPU and input/output devices.