Mathematics-II BCA 2nd SEM BCA University 2nd SEM BCA 1st Year | BCA205 notes BCA205-Mathematics-II BCA 2nd SEM BCA University notes on 2nd SEM BCA 1st Year 2022 scheme notes 2024. Study materials and previous year question papers on easenotes 2024. Download Notes Aptitude QA Software Projects SGPA/CGPA Calculator Programming Notes
Scheme & Syllabus Copy of Mathematics-II BCA 2nd SEM Mathematics-II Syllabus Copy 2nd sem Unit 1: Sets Definition and types of sets Operations on sets: Union, intersection, difference Venn diagrams and set identities Applications of sets in problem-solving Unit 2: Relations and Functions Definition of relations and functions Types of relations: Reflexive, symmetric, transitive Functions: One-to-one, onto, and bijective Inverse functions and composition of functions Unit 3: Partial Derivatives and Lattices Introduction to partial derivatives Higher-order partial derivatives Applications of partial derivatives Lattices: Definition, properties, and types of lattices Unit 4: Functions of Several Variables Introduction to functions of multiple variables Limit and continuity of functions of several variables Partial derivatives and total derivatives Optimization problems with constraints Unit 5: 3D Coordinate Geometry Introduction to 3D geometry: Points, lines, and planes Distance formula and section formula in 3D Equations of lines and planes Curves in 3D space Unit 6: Multiple Integration Introduction to multiple integrals Double and triple integrals Applications of multiple integrals in finding areas and volumes Change of variables in multiple integrals